Uskavigården vandrarhem

Uskavigården Hostel

The hostel at Uskavigården is the simpler choice for your stay

Guests at the hostel get access to the service house. The service house has cooktops, ovens, micros, coffee makers, kettles, and all you need to use them and eat from. The service house is located one floor down. next to the kitchen is the dining room that also functions as a gathering room. It has tables, a bookshelf with books to borrow (most in Swedish), a Tv and a collection of board games (rules in Swedish) Wi-fi is available in the building and the area around, including by the lake.

Clothesiron and iorningboard is available to borrow in the reception.

Sheets and towels avalible for rent: 95 kr/set

Cleaning upon leave: 285 kr/rum


På Gruvfogdens övervåning ligger gårdens vandrarhem. Huset har tolv fyrabäddsrum. Alla rum har handfat och WC, duschar finns på bottenvåningen där även det gemensamma köket finns med matsal, TV och sittgrupp.

Wi-Fi is available all over Uskavigården and is free for our guests.

Observera att bokar man via receptionen tillkommer en service avgift.


Hyttdrängen is a smaller hostel building with four twobed-rooms. The rooms are simple but fresh, a shared bathroom is in the corridor. Showers and the communal kitchen and dining room with tv and sofa is located at the bottom floor at Gruvfogden.

Wi-Fi is available all over Uskavigården and is free for our guests.

Observera att bokar man via receptionen tillkommer en service avgift.