In the middle of the magical Bergslagen;


Uskavigården is in the middle of the magical Bergslagen where nature and the old ironworks' history are just outside your door.

The year of 1939, Uskavigården was bought by Ansgariiföreningarna in the middle region of Sweden. The ownership has changed through the years but the foundation is still in Missionary Church, nowadays called Equmeniakyrkan. Uskavi is owned by 21 congregations (Equmenia) and 20 other private owners.

We work constantly to keep this place and the surroundings in good shape. We want to improve all of our facilities for our guests and also for the environment. This place should be free from stress and city noise, a place where people can relax and feel at home.

We want to be a place where people can meet people, but also a place where you can meet God.

Our Policy;

Uskavigården is a drug-free environment. We also do not serve alcohol on the premises and our arrangements are always alcohol and drug-free.

The noise is to be kept down between 23:00-07:00. We ask our guests to be good role models for children and young adults staying at Uskavigården, by behaving responsibly when it comes to alcohol.

Uskavi - Then and Now

Uskavigården historia

The word "Uska" comes from Lake Usken and "Vi" comes from the old Norse name for " a meeting place". Uskavi means meeting place by Lake Usken. Since the end of the 1930s, Uskavi has been a place to not only meet other people but also God.

The construction of the main building, Bergsmannen, took place between 1907-1910 and Uskavi was put on the map by mine dispatcher Per Larsson. Since he was a child the spot by Usken meant a lot to him. After he finished his studies in Stockholm he went to America to intern in the mining industry and when he returned to Sweden he could finally realize his dream of building a house at Uskavi. Per Larsson could only enjoy his dream for 10 months before he passed away in the autumn of 1917.

Fabricator and inventor Karl-Arvid Pehrson (inventor of the famous Viking shoe polish) brought Uskavi to use as a summer vacation home for his large family of 8 children. After he passed away in a car accident his widow Emma stayed in the house till all the children grew up. In 1938 Emma chose to sell the house that the family spent all summers in since 1917. Siggeboda 2:5 was in 1938 one main building with three stories, one wing, two outbuildings, and an earthen cellar. Included in that was also a large garden, and a park area with its own swimming spot. The area was about 25 acres of which 20 acres was forest, The Property was taxed to 25.000 kr.

It has been over 75 years and Uskavigården is now one of the few remaining camp yeards in use. The last few years have been focused on renovations.


Tillgänglighet - Kyrka

The Church;

In the Church, we have larger events such as concerts and church sermons.

The church is furnished with chairs. a gravel path leads from the parking lot, past the main building Bergsmannen down to the church doors. If you need easy access it is possible to drive all the way to the doors to be dropped off.

The church doors lack electronic opening but are kept open when the church holds events.

in the church, there is a hearing loop for hearing aids that are in use during events.

Tillgänglighet - Restaurang

Restaurant and cafe;

In the main building is where our restaurant and cafe are located.

The dining room is furnished with chairs and tables and a gravel path leads you from the parking area to the doors. It is possible to drive a car and get dropped off by the entrance if there is a need.

The doors lack electronic opening but are kept open when the restaurant is open, if not please contact the reception and we will help you.

There is no hearing loop in this building.

Tillgänglighet - Toalett


During public events the number of bathrooms available to the public increases.

the Bathroomhouse close to the church, toilets in the main building, and the toilets in the service house.
two of these are adjusted to be wider for easier access. They are in the main building by the restaurant and down in the service house.

The bathrooms are adjusted for people in wheelchairs. If you have any other aids please contact reception and we will do our best to help you.

Tillgänglighet - Parkering

Parking and access paths;

Parking is only to be done in designated areas. From the parking lot, you pass the road and follow the white gravel paths.

All walkways have gravel on them.

If you need help getting to a building, it is possible to drive all the way to the doors of the church, restaurant, and reception. it is also possible to drive down to the lake, if you need to drive down to the lake please come to the reception first as you will need an access key.

Tillgänglighet - Skyltar


On the grounds, we have signs to help you find your way to the different buildings.

In the reception, we have maps over the grounds to hand out.

Uskavigården Kalender


We strive to make everyone feel welcome and invited to attend our events. We try to avoid strong scents and ask that our guests do the same.

If an event has strong scents, or other uncomfortable experiences, such as strong or blinking lights we will advertise that on the event's information.


All of our lake cottages have ramps to the front door. Half of them have widened doorways into the bathroom and into one of the bedrooms. The showers have shower curtains and are spacious.

In Gruvfogden our hostel, there are 2 rooms with wide doors, with adjacent bathrooms. The bathroom is adjusted for wheelchair usage. The rooms are situated close to the hostel parking lot.

En dröm blir verklighet.
Per Larsson bygger Bergsmannen
Uskavigården Historia

The construction of the main building, Bergsmannen, took place between 1907-1910 and Uskavi was put on the map by mine dispatcher Per Larsson. Since he was a child the spot by Usken meant a lot to him. After he finished his studies in Stockholm he went to America to intern in the mining industry and when he returned to Sweden he could finally realize his dream of building a house at Uskavi. Per Larsson could only enjoy his dream for 10 months before he passed away in the autumn of 1917.

Sommar glädjen sprids.
Karl-Arvid Pehrson Köper Uskavi
Uskavigården historia

Fabrikör Karl-Arvid Pehrson (uppfinnare av Viking skokräm) köpte Uskavi att ha till sommarställe för sin stora familj med 8 barn. Efter att han omkommit i en bilolycka 1922 blev änkan Emma kvar i huset tills alla barnen vuxit upp.

Ett frö sås
Ansgariföreningarna i mellansverige Köper Uskavigården

1938 valde Emma att sälja det stora sommarstället som familjen tillbringat somrarna i sedan 1917. Siggeboda 2:5, bestod 1938 av en huvudbyggnad om tre våningar och källarvåningar, en flygelbyggnad, två uthus och en jordkällare. Dessutom ingick en stor trädgård, parkområden och badstrand. Arealen var ca 25 tunnland, varav 20 var skog. Fastigheten var taxerad till 25.000 kr.