Uskavigårdens Camping
Uskavigården's calm and relaxing camping offers camping spots close to nature and the lake. The camping has 50 camping spots with electricity, around 50 without electricity and a separate are for tents. All camping spots are close to lake Usken and trees surround the area. The tent field is a separate area and you can set up your tent right by the water. The camping is excellent for guests who want to experience the true Swedish countryside and culture-rich hamlets. The caping lots are 10 x 10 meters.If you travel with a longer RV or caravan please call us and we will see if we can accommodate you.
Wi-Fi is available all over the camping and is free for our guests.
Camping Prices
Off season
(sep och apr)
320kr/natt -
Camping with electricity -
255kr/natt -
Camping without electricity
Peak seasson
390kr/natt -
Camping with electricity -
Camping without electricity - Veckopris 2340kr med el
- Veckopris 1920kr utan el
- 250kr/natt
Tent spot for larger groups
- 95kr/pers och natt
Observera att bokar man via receptionen tillkommer en service avgift.
Camping for tents, caravans and RV
Uskavigårdens camping is open year-round and access to the service house is included. Paying guests have access to the facilities which we clean daily during peak season.
The service house is located in the lower part of our hostel Gruvfogden. It is fully fitted with refrigerators, freezers, stoves and microwaves. The dining room has 24 seats spread around 4 tables and there is one additional table with 4 chairs in a more secluded area. There are also sofas and chairs around a TV. We also have a small library with books to borrow or buy. Guests describe our camping as calm and peaceful, not too large and not too small.
The northern part of our camping has a view of a different part of the lake and is slightly further from the service house. There is a smaller house with access to a toilet and shower.
Only paying guests have been given a tag to gain entrance to the facilities
Camping with activities for young and old
There are three playgrounds on the premises and are adjusted for younger as well as older children. A smaller playground is also available by the lakeside and playthings are available to borrow. Balls and outside games are also available to borrow from the reception.
The reception is staffed from May-September. Here we have a mini-shop where you can buy simpler convenience for food making. We also have a freezer with bread, readymade food from our restaurant, and a selection of frozen wares. We also have a kiosk with ice cream, candy, and drinks. We do not sell Tobacco or alcohol.
Restocking of fresh water is available at three spaces on the premises and there is a dedicated spot for emptying the latrine and greywater. The environmental station is located on the way out of the camping and we hope our guests recycle their waste.
There are plenty of activities to do that do not require the use of a car. on the other side of the road we have Bergslagsleden a hiking trail that crosses the length of Bergslagen as well as our own looping hiking trail. You can rent a bicycle from the reception and bike around the lake or visit the nature preserve Leijamarsh. Read more about the activities we offer here.
A day visit in the wooden town of Nora is definitely worth a visit! Don't forget to taste the famous Nora ice cream, after shopping in the cosy stores. Uskavigården is a place where you can stay for a long time without running out of things to do.
En säker camping
Vi eftersträvar att inom kort kunna följa alla MSB´s regler kring en säker camping. Detta är för oss ett pågående arbete.
Därför ber vi er att parkera husvagnen med draget utåt vägen, samt att hålla 4 meters avstånd till grannen.
Endast godkänd kabeltyp för utomhusbruk får användas.
Kabelarean skall vara 3 x 2,5mm² och längden på kabeln max 25 meter samt utan skarvförlängning. Eventuell sladdvinda måste vara helt utrullad.
Laddning av el- eller hybridbil är inte tillåtet!
För generella ordningsregler för camping och servicehuset se nedan
Seasonal camping
Seasonal spot April-September
- 10 500 kr exkl el (3,50 kr/kWh)
- Contact us if you are interested in camping for a long time.
- Phone +46587 33 00 25
- E-mail uskavi@uskavi.se